- 1 Section
- 5 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
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- lessons5
- 1.0Module 1 Systems of linear equations, Solution by Gauss elimination, row echelon form and rank of a matrix, fundamental theorem for linear systems (homogeneous and nonhomogeneous, without proof), Eigen values and eigen vectors. Diagonaliztion of matrices, orthogonal transformation, quadratic forms and their canonical forms.
- 1.1Module 2 Concept of limit and continuity of functions of two variables, partial derivatives, Differentials, Local Linear approximations, chain rule, total derivative, Relative maxima and minima, Absolute maxima and minima on closed and bounded set.
- 1.2Module 3 Double integrals (Cartesian), reversing the order of integration, Change of coordinates (Cartesian to polar), finding areas and volume using double integrals, mass and centre of gravity of inhomogeneous laminas using double integral. Triple integrals, volume calculated as triple integral, triple integral in cylindrical and spherical coordinates (computations involving spheres, cylinders).
- 1.3Module 4 Convergence of sequences and series, convergence of geometric series and pseries(without proof), test of convergence (comparison, ratio and root tests without proof); Alternating series and Leibnitz test, absolute and conditional convergence.
- 1.4Module 5 Taylor series (without proof, assuming the possibility of power series expansion in appropriate domains), Binomial series and series representation of exponential, trigonometric, logarithmic functions (without proofs of convergence); Fourier series, Euler formulas, Convergence of Fourier series (without proof), half range sine and cosine series, Parseval’s theorem (without proof).
Module 1 Systems of linear equations, Solution by Gauss elimination, row echelon form and rank of a matrix, fundamental theorem for linear systems (homogeneous and nonhomogeneous, without proof), Eigen values and eigen vectors. Diagonaliztion of matrices, orthogonal transformation, quadratic forms and their canonical forms.
Module 3 Double integrals (Cartesian), reversing the order of integration, Change of coordinates (Cartesian to polar), finding areas and volume using double integrals, mass and centre of gravity of inhomogeneous laminas using double integral. Triple integrals, volume calculated as triple integral, triple integral in cylindrical and spherical coordinates (computations involving spheres, cylinders).